Digital services company
Digital services company
NEXT2i is an IT engineering services company based in Paris that supports you in your IT projects.
Since 2004, NEXT2i has specialized in the fields of information system consulting, outsourcing and cloud computing.
Our mission is to
- To bring you innovative services that meet your specific needs and expectations.
- To optimize your IS to ensure its continuity, allowing you to increase the
productivity of your employees and reduce IT infrastructure costs.
Our areas of intervention
IT outsourcing
IT outsourcing
System and Networks
Server and SAN integration, SD-WAN, Virtualization…
Cloud services
Application hosting, Backup, Storage…
IT Consulting
Audit, Delegation of skills, Writing specifications, Expression of needs…
of computer equipment and software
of computer equipment and software

They trust us
Many customers have already given us their trust, for several years, proof of our commitment and our know-how.
Our partners / Editors
Our network of partners specialized in technologies, software, hardware and computer developments